Simone Biles – Versus The Trolls (Animated Short) by SK-II Studio
One of the most successful and decorative gymnastics athlete of all time is none other than Simone Biles. In this animated short by SK-II Studio, Simone is faced with “Trolls” that talk bad about her on social media, mainly because of how she looks. Because of her strong athletic build, their are people in this world that rather focus on the negative because bringing someone else down will make themselves feel better.
In this animated short, Simone Biles faces these “Trolls” head-on by ignoring the hate and pushing forward. She realizes that nothing can stop her but herself. Realizing how successfully she already is, why stop now. There are more goals to conquer in life. At the tender age of just 24 (in 2021), she is not done. More records will be broken, and history will continue to be made.
Besides the powerful message the video shows, the animation looks amazing. The music by John Legend fit this animated short perfectly. This video should inspire everyone to ignore the haters and continue to push for greatness. The only one stopping you from achieving your goals is you alone.