Omni-Man from the latest animated series called Invincible, takes on members of the S-Class from the hit anime series One Punch Man. Omni-Man is a Viltrumite, a warrior race with tremendous power that is almost equivilant to Superman. The race of Viltrumites also have a similar story when compared to Saiyans from Dragon Ball Z. […]Read More
Tags : Genos
August 13, 2021
It’s amazing to see that fans of an anime can do a better job than a whole studio with a bigger budget. What I am referring to is the disappointment in quality of One Punch Man from Season 2. After all of the backlash that JC Staff received (Studio who animated Season 2), any anime […]Read More
June 7, 2021
The battle for the survival of earth begins as Saitama faces off against Perfect Cell. During this tournament that Perfect Cell has created to battle the Z fighters (from the Dragon Ball Z universe), Saitama and Genos (from One Punch Man) join what is called The Cell Games. With Perfect Cell being completely unaware of […]Read More