Tags : Murata

Anime (Clips)

Yusuke Murata (OPM) – Car Scene for Majin Bone #12

The purpose of this video is to show the animation capabilities of Yusuke Murata, the artist of the hit Manga series, One Punch Man. Murata has shown his ability to animate scenes, this also show’s the potential for Murata to step in and help with season 3 of One Punch Man. Season 2 of One […]Read More


One Punch Man – Tatsumaki Artwork by Murata (Manga 107)

Tatsumaki takes on Gyoro in the battle of power to determine who’s telekinetic powers are stronger. While the fight was short lived, the artwork in this chapter was amazing. Murata has an amazing talent when drawing female characters, especially when it comes to Tatsumaki, the tornado of terror.Read More
